Tuesday 5 May 2020

A common type of Software Testing

black-box testing
Black-box testing is only testing as if the software itself is a black box.

This is one of the most common forms of testing-and really how to describe an entire category of testing black-box testing.

When you perform black box testing, you only care about input and output. You do not care how the actual output is derived.

You do not know anything about the code or how it works, it's just for one set of inputs into the software, set the output to be produced.

Most testing is done in this fashion because most contain. It either works or not.

white-box testing
Real white-box testing is when you understand some of the internals of the system, and may have access to the actual source code, which you use to inform your test and what you are targeting.

White box testing is pretty much the opposite of black-box testing.

With the white-box testing, you have at least some idea of ​​what's going on in the software.

Often, unit testing is called white-box testing, but I do not agree. Unit testing does not test at all.

If you look at the code that performs complex calculations for some accounting software, and you see that there is a piece of code that performs a set of calculations for values ​​above a certain amount and a set of calculations for each of the other values, you are more able to make the test targeting both scenarios.

With a black-box testing, you have no way of knowing these two conditions exist, so you would be very unlikely to test for both of them unless you are just lucky.
acceptance test
The basic idea of ​​acceptance testing is that you have some tests that examine the actual requirements or expectations of the customers, and other tests are run against the system as a whole.

Sometimes called user acceptance testing (short: UAT).

Sometimes called system testing.

This kind of testing can test the functionality of the system or could test the usefulness or both.

The idea is that the test acceptance testing what to expect versus what actually happened.
automated testing
Automated testing is any testing in which the execution of the test and verification results automatically.

So, you may automate testing of web applications by running scripts that open a web page, enter some data, push a few buttons and then check out some of the results on the page.

You can also automate testing the API to write a script that calls the API with data and then check the results that are returned.

More testing is moving towards automated testing for manually walk through repetitive test cases can be tedious, error-prone and expensive-especially in Agile environments where the same set of tests may need to be run every two weeks or so to verify nothing was broken.

regression testing
This brings us to regression testing, which is basically testing is done to verify that the system still works the way it was before.

The purpose of regression testing is to make sure the software is not deterioration in function.

It is very important to the Agile development methodology in which software is developed gradually, and there is a constant potential that add new features to solve existing ones.

most tests are automated regression tests.

In fact, you really can make the argument that all the automated test regression test because the whole purpose of automating the test is that it can run multiple times.
functional testing
Functional testing is another broad term used in the testing world to refer to testing activity where what is being tested is the actual function of the system.

This may seem obvious.

But, it turns out you can test all sorts of things that are not related functions, such as performance, usability, robustness, security, scalability-I could go on and on, believe me.

Thus, functional testing is a type of test where you are really concerned about the system doing what should be done from a functional perspective.

If I put into this input and pressing this button, I get the expected output of this?

I do not care how long it takes. I do not care if the screen flashes red and the computer starts to smoke, I get my results?

exploratory testing
I want to make fun of testing exploration and called it "testing lazy-ass."

It really makes the testers when I do that.

But, there must be some legitimacy to the idea of ​​exploration testing and maybe I am a little too harsh and judgmental.

The idea behind the test exploration-when done correctly, is that you have some guidelines and a basic plan that will test your application area and how you are going to test them.

Then, you go on without the actual test cases and explore the apps, looking for things that may be incorrect or unexpected behavior.

Often, exploratory testing sessions are recorded, so that if an error is found, the problem can be reproduced by retracing the steps taken by the tester exploration.

While I'm normally not a big advocate of this kind of testing, I have to admit its benefits, such as exploratory testing can uncover any bugs often rational test cases would never designed to exploit.

Another form of testing
Indeed we have only scratched the surface of all types and classifications of the different tests.

Many other forms of testing available, including:

Load Test How to Conduct an application under heavy load
Performance Testing Performance-applications based on specific scenarios
Test-recovery recovery from error conditions or hardware problems
Security Testing-The security system
stress testing
usability testing
accessibility testing
the list goes on and on.
Conclusion: we are the best software testing company in USA region who are have hands on experience doing all kind of software tests for the web and mobile application which you have for the business. Today its very common to check the software before its launch and after the launch.

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