Thursday 22 April 2021

Software Testing Company As A Partner

Let's face another question.

 Naturally, they consider freelancers as a good asset for the in-house team. The cost may be lower, and they don't have to sign the QA Agreement.

So why is the software testing company better than freelancers? Good question.

And I have an honest answer without fur. I consider my QA company as a freelancer team (even if they don't), and they, as a team, can face all the different technical challenges that our clients have.

The team has this added value, which is intellectual fermentation or brainstorming. So yes, the client will get, for example, one QA engineer, if they are interested in body leasing, but he has our QA support and knowledge. They will buy not only the experience of one person, but from all companies.

In Apphawks, we have an internal slack channel where we discuss some technical problems. That way, the process is much faster and more efficient. In general, by conducting internal QA talks, we can improve and accelerate everyone's work.

What's better for almost the same price?

Many amazingly expensive freelancers, and they like to work with many shorter projects. With a software testing company, you will have a feeling of stability, because we will not cancel the contract amid the spread when your customers or investors are waiting for a significant release or bug fix.

If you work with freelancers, it's hard to find out what they do in their home. With our technical co-founder, we looked at our QA engineers because we worked from one office.

I'm not talking about control or distrust. We see what they do, how focused, and how engaged. We can openly talk about congestion and problems. In our office, we found a solution to these problems so that ourselves remained motivated.

There is one more argument - reputation. For companies, it's easy to damage the reputation. Providing services as a company is a big responsibility. A company has more loss. We want to grow as our clients, that's why we will do everything in our strength to make customers happy.

QA process with testing companies

The last four questions are basically about the process.

You are not sure how to start with an external partner, how you will work with the QA or QA team. You are not sure who should provide testing documentation and finally how to manage everything.

Usually, we have two types of client expectations:

The first group of clients need QA engineers in their startup or business. They have full control over the leased personnel, and they decide how they like to work. They treated qa apphawks engineers as their team members and "family."

They often have daily standups and very good personal relationships. This is called body leasing & team. The rental person always has our technical reserves, but now he is your employee.

The second client group expects us to be fully responsible for quality assurance in their projects. This is called project-based outsourcing. So, at first, we set the scope of cooperation. Usually, it's 60 hours every week.

We set each "face" project on our side. For example, Adam will be a leading tester with the support of other team members.

Because we are responsible for quality, we set a self testing plan. We prepare documentation and work. We do manual and automatic tests. We make accurate reports about what we have done in a certain month.

In this case, founder or product leader, has more time to develop further projects, instead of managing the shipping team.

In both cases, at first, we must check what is under the hood, so we do manual testing and write a test case. After we get used to the application, we will write code and run automatic tests, including regression.

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