Tuesday 15 September 2020

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Effective IT set-up will facilitate the productivity, efficiency, safety and success. Getting the right IT governance is very important, now more than ever. With most people still work from home, you must make sure that your IT partner support has provided you with the right tools and technology to work effectively. In fact, many predict that works from anywhere will become increasingly common for many businesses. With that in mind, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of your IT set-up now.

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Effective IT set-up involves a multi-layered approach, offering different tools and technologies to cover all the bases when it comes to productivity, efficiency and safety. Make sure that your IT strategy to add as much value as possible for your business and do not ignore any potential technology solutions!

We have outlined some very useful and valuable technology that you may not be aware of or that you may have overlooked before, including:

1. Just sign-on

2. Self-service password reset

3. Multi-factor authentication

4. Cyber ​​security awareness training

5. Safely share files and sync

Read on to discover what each and how they can add real value to your business, increase productivity, efficiency and safety in the light of the current flexible working.

1. Just sign-on (SSO)

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What is that?

Signs of the same functions allow users to sign in once with one account to access all enterprise devices, systems and cloud-based applications (including Sage, Xero, People HR, Salesforce etc.) Each employee will have their own unique and secure 'identity' that will allow them to enter automatically, using the same username and password for each application. In the end, the same sign-on functionality will maximize security and minimize frustration for end users.

What are the benefits?

• Security - SSO is significantly safer than using multiple passwords. Users will be given their own unique 'identity' they mean only that they can enroll automatically. In addition, it eliminates the need to record several different passwords elsewhere, either digital or manual, which can take the risk of data breaches. In addition, preventing employees from designing some of the weak, the same password to log into a different application - otherwise they would have a complex password that will fit into any secure system.

• Productivity - SSO massively reduces the number of unnecessary logistical errors. Employees will waste less recording time passwords, forgotten passwords and locked out of the system is important. Instead, they will have more time to focus on important tasks, improving overall productivity of your business.

• Efficiency - Since every employee has an 'identity' to log them, the creation and deletion of employees, on either join or leave your business, it is very easy. You no longer have to worry about deleting each employee account for each application, device or system individually. Instead, you can delete their overall ‘identity’, which will automatically remove all relevant accounts, improving the efficiency of your business.

             Employee satisfaction – SSO will streamline the process of logging in for each of your employees. It removes unnecessary stress and frustration associated with losing a password and being locked out of an important application. The process is quick, easy and simple to understand, improving overall employee satisfaction.

Why is same sign-on so important now?

In light of the furlough scheme, many businesses will have reduced the size of their current workforce but will need the quality of work to remain the same. Which is why productivity and efficiency need to be optimised. SSO will reduce the amount of time wasted on logging in multiple times across multiple channels. It will also prevent issues regarding lost or forgotten passwords, which is particularly important now that colleagues can no longer lean over to ask each other for help when logging in.

2. Self-service password reset


What is it?

Self-service password reset is another way to simplify your password policy, whilst improving the productivity, efficiency and security of your business.

Self-service password reset is simple, it allows you to reset your own password in the same way that you can with personal email accounts and applications. It really is just as simple as resetting your Facebook password. This, again, removes the frustration associated with forgetting your password or being locked out of accounts and applications.

Without self-service password reset, users will have to contact their IT support provider and wait for them to reset the password. No matter how efficient your IT provider, this will inevitably take longer than the two minutes it would take you to reset the password yourself!

What are the benefits?

             Security – With self-service password reset, there’s no need for any third-party involvement. If the end user is the only person to know their own password, security is maximised. Additionally, if you have an effective password policy in place, any reset passwords will have to reach certain criteria to ensure they’re strong enough, preventing employees from setting simple, unsafe passwords.

             Efficiency – Having self-service password reset in place means you no longer need to contact your IT partner when you’re locked out of a device, application or system. At Netstar, we’re proud of our efficiency and our SLA for password resets is up to 30 minutes (although usually less). However, once the ticket has been managed it could take from one to seven hours to rectify the issue, dependent on your IT infrastructure and IT Support provider. During this time, your employee will still be locked out and unable to work efficiently. In comparison, with self-service password reset, employees can reset their own password in just two minutes, saving huge amounts of time and money.

• Productivity - Less waiting time to reset the password means more time spent being productive and working on important tasks. Most employees will be asked to change the device and their email passwords every few months. If every employee should contact the service desk whenever they need to reset their password, hours and hours of valuable time will be lost. Maximizing the productivity of your business by using self-service password reset.

• Employee Satisfaction - Being locked out of your device, email or other applications can be very stressful, both employers and employees. Give employees the freedom to reset their own password will limit the amount of frustration on the part of labor and increase the overall satisfaction of your team.

Why self-service password reset so important now?

operating a password system is programmed to notify the user when their email password will expire, but this is only possible when the device they are using is situated in the office.

In the office, all the firewalls and related security systems, which is what gives you a notice to change your password. With most people still work from home, the change means that the user's physical location will not be reminded that their password will expire.

Thus, it is very likely that employees will suddenly locked out of their email at all times. Without self-service password reset, this can cause significant interference with the employees and their working day, especially if they have targets or deadlines to meet. On the other hand, has a self-service password reset will mean that users can quickly and easily be able to reset their own password and continue as usual, in a matter of minutes. Thus, productivity and efficiency are maximized and unnecessary frustration for the employees removed.

3. Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

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What is that?

multi-factor authentication works well with single sign-on function, add an additional layer of protection for your business.

There is significant evidence to prove that the single factor authentication (only using passwords alone) is no longer sufficient to protect your data and keep your business safe. Instead, we suggest using a multi-factor authentication. Multi-factor authentication is exactly what it sounds like, users are required to identify themselves in two ways before being allowed access to a specific device, application or system. These factors are usually at least two of the following:

• Something you know (eg password)

• Something you have (eg mobile phones)

• Something you are (eg, fingerprint)

multi-factor authentication is much more common than you might think. For example, chip and pin payment requires two forms of identification; The card 'something you have' and the pin is

'something you know'.In terms of keeping your business safe, authenticator apps are a great option. When logging on to the system, the user must know the password and have the application on a separate device. Once the password has been entered, the user will be able to verify their identity by using the application (either to confirm directly via the app or by generating a code).

What are the benefits?

• Security - The main benefits of the application of multi-factor authentication is that it will significantly improve the security of your business, minimizing the risk of any potential data breaches. Hackers will now have an additional layer of protection to try and infiltrate, making it much more difficult for them to access your data and therefore prevents them from doing so.

• Productivity - Multi-factor authentication application will work, even when you do not have access to your phone, as long as you still have access to devices that can download applications. This makes them much more problematic than SMS-based authenticators are simpler, where the device will send a code to your phone via text message. If an employee loses their phone, they will not be able to verify their identity using SMS-based authenticator and therefore will not be able to access work devices, applications and systems, which leads to loss of productivity to the extreme. Meanwhile, the authenticator app, users can still access the application on the device using the alternative.

• Efficiency - Multi-factor authentication application very user-friendly, so employees do not need to spend time learning how to use it. In addition, they are quick and easy to deploy across the enterprise, so you do not have to worry about interference with the normal working day.

Why multi-factor authentication is important now?

With many people working from home or leave, there is much more risk to the security of your business, which is why cyber security should be prioritized, now more than ever.

In the end, the hacker now has more time to innovate and the amount of fraud, particularly relating to the coronavirus, has increased dramatically. That is why you must be strict when it comes to protecting your data. Multi-factor authentication would make it extremely difficult for hackers to access your system, therefore keeping your business safe and secure.

4. Cyber ​​security awareness training

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What is that?

If you have never been trained teams of cyber security, it is important that you consider introducing a cyber security awareness training now.

Did you know that the number one weakness in IT systems is often people use them? You must make sure that your team knows how to identify and avoid dangerous threats. Do not allow your employees to be a threat to your business, educate them on how to stay safe online.

security awareness training will prevent your team from providing essential information, following a malicious link, download malicious attachments, and more. Netstar security awareness service consists of short-dated training videos, interactive and up on a variety of topics, including phishing scams and stay safe on social media.

Implement a security awareness training will reduce the risk of malware infection, data loss and potential cyber theft, keeping your business safe and secure.What are the benefits?

• Security - Optimized security is a major benefit of cyber security awareness training. This will ensure that your team educated about the latest threats and fraud, to prevent them from mistakenly click or download anything that may put your business at risk.

• Efficiency - Netstar cyber security awareness service is very easy to use and quick to complete. Employees can complete the video and short test in about five minutes, which means that it does not detract from their normal priority. Instead, employees can complete a mandatory training video a little and often, which means constantly refresh their knowledge without causing a loss of productivity.

Why cyber security awareness training is important now?

With many people still work remotely, peers can not rely discover and asked if they believe were legitimate email, website or link. This puts your business more risky than if the team is still based office. As mentioned earlier, assured and scams targeted coronavirus is also becoming increasingly popular, so it's important that your team is up to date and informed when it comes to cyber security. Cyber ​​security awareness training also provides an easy to adopt solution to train your staff remotely like everything online so that employees can access the training at any time, from anywhere.

5. The file share and sync solution

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What is that?

cloud-based system, such as Datto Workplace, giving you the freedom to share, sync and store data securely.

Using a system like Datto will allow you to store data in the cloud, which means it can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, using any device. Data can also be synchronized to the device, allowing users to continue working on documents even when offline.

The team can use cloud-based system such as Datto to collaborate on documents, folders and files. Special permits can also be set so that certain employees only have access to certain files, which means that data is protected both internally and externally.

What are the benefits?

• Security - Cloud-based systems such as Datto has security measures in place are very strong, which means that you do not have to worry about potential data breaches. Additionally, because all your data is stored in the cloud, you do not have to worry about losing important data. Even if there is a fire in your office, for example, you can be sure that all your data will remain safe and accessible in the cloud.

• Efficiency - Teams can collaborate on documents using file sharing and sync solution like Datto. Thus, work on projects together is less practical. Colleagues do not need to document tirelessly sent back and forth to each other, otherwise they can all access and work on the same document via the cloud.

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