Sunday 22 November 2020

Trends for Digital Healthcare Transformation in 2020


At present, medical technology companies include making more than 500,000 types of medical devices, from external medical devices that can be worn (skin fillings, insulin pumps, and blood glucose monitors) to be implanted (pacemaker and stationary medical devices) and stationary devices (devices Home monitoring, connected imaging devices, and scanning machines).


Analysis of Artificial Intelligence & Data


Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis has become a trend of sustainable technology in the medical industry. Some health care organizations utilize AI and data analysis in their daily functions, logistics and admin. The valuable thing about AI is that technology is used to improve the diagnostic accuracy of medical practice.

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In his comment for Forbes, Kaveh Safavi, Head of Global Accenture Health Practices, said that the AI ​​application can help solve the dilemma of what is known as the "Iron Triangle" in Healthcare. Accenture, an international consultant company, also reports the most promising AI application as a future trend in health care technology:


Robot assisted operation

Virtual Nurse Assistant

Administrative Workflow Help

Fraud Detection

Dosage reduction

Connected machine

Identifiers of clinical trial participants

Diagnosis Introduction

Automatic image diagnosis

Cyber ​​security.

Augmented reality.


Also read: Virtual reality App Development Company


Today's technology trend in Healthcare is augmented reality (AR).


AR helps patients show more vision of their disease while doctors are activated to make a more appropriate diagnosis and show how treatment will affect the human body interactively.


For example, 3D organs and tumors reconstruction allows surgeons to reduce risk and improve the results of the operation. AUGMEDICS, an Israeli start-up, has developed an AR guidance system for spinal surgery.


The digital innovation in Healthcare provides surgeons with the vision of "X-rays" from the spine. This helps with accurate instrument and implants guides during intervention.


Here are some extra examples of startups that successfully use this technology.


Accuvein AR scanner projects and shows the patient's skin to make an accurate intravenous injection.


Eyedecide is an AR application to simulate the impact of specific conditions in the patient's vision.

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Virtual reality


At present, the implementation of virtual reality (VR) has surpassed computer and entertainment games, and becomes a trend in the health care industry.

Also Read: AR App Developers


For example, Neuro Rehab VR, cooperating with a doctor, has developed VR training exercises with machine learning to increase patient involvement in physical therapy. A study published in December 2019 reported VR therapy to improve the mobility of children suffering from cerebral palsy.


Another interesting case is the operation assisted by the first VR, which was carried out directly in London in 2016. Medical students and trainees could take advantage of the latest VR innovations in health care such as immersivetouch as if they had a surgical knife in their own hands.

Also Read: AR App Developers

VR Healthcare Technology is also used for casual patients, including women in labor, to divert their attention from painful stimuli and manage pain.

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Telemedicine implies the use of telecommunications technology to diagnose and treat patients. With internet expansion, telemedicine becomes a more affordable digital innovation in health care in a number of types of telemedicine connections such as:

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Network connection - when remote health care facilities are related to larger hospitals. For example, in the US, there are 200 telemedicine network programs that provide medical assistance to more than 3,000 sites.

Point-to-point connection - they implicate smaller clinical connectivity with central medical facilities.

Monitoring Center Links for remote patient monitoring.

Telemedicine makes consistent health affordable even in most rural areas.

Also read: Virtual reality App Development Company


1 comment:

  1. "VR Therapy is an exciting frontier in healthcare. This blog provides an insightful look into the trends shaping the future of digital healthcare. The potential of VR therapy to revolutionize mental health treatment is truly groundbreaking. Well-written and informative piece, thanks for sharing!"
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