Wednesday 18 November 2020

when one wears glassed reality glasses


In fact, the wonders of the augmented reality glasses are no more than science and are good at using our minds' ability to interpret images and allow themselves cheated by visual stimuli. Augmented reality glasses are a combination of several key components that work together to create additional item effects added to the real world.


In simple details, this component is:





The view of the augmented reality glasses is also known as Combiner. This name is an accurate description of the component. It combines a glass lens that allows natural light to deliver through eyes with digital LEDs or OLED displays that send images generated by the computer for the eye.


So, when one wears glassed reality glasses, they see images from a double source: outside the real world and the object produced by the computer.


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AR cellular or web app cannot be exactly looking through your eyes. It needs a camera to record images in the real world. This camera is attached to the AR glass or, if you use a smartphone, the cellphone camera is activated to capture the image.

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Augmented reality glasses

This is where "miracles" occur, so to say. A programmed application or software suite has to combine two types of images - one provided by the camera and one generated by registration with the help of markers.


The results of this combination are what you actually look through the augmented reality glasses.One important issue to consider when shopping for AR glasses is the field of view. This makes the difference between a truly deep experience and see something through swimming goggles. The human field is usually view of around 210 degrees horizontal and 150 degrees vertically.

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AR glasses cannot reproduce these numbers, first because physical limitations place the lens in the headset. Then there is a computing power problem needed to process and display digital objects with high fidelity and resolution. At present, the 50-degree field of view is considered big for the glasses of augmented reality.

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