Thursday 17 December 2020

How to increase regression testing

How to increase regression testing

There are many ways to approach regression testing. In this blog post we will focus on guiding you towards a faster and more efficient regression break.


Let's start from above.


1. Build your regression suite

This is also called a test scenario.


To build a regression test suite you don't always need a lot of work. Suite can be made from existing test cases - functional tests, integration tests, unit tests, etc. - which you might develop from the first day. Whatever has previously been successfully verified that the software function as intended can be used in your regression suite.


Over time, because your software system grows or changes, your suite will grow too, amounts to hundreds or thousands of cases of regression test. This is why automation will definitely be part of your testing process at some point.


2. Select the regression testing approach

But how many tests do you have to automatically? The answer to this question is largely dependent on your approach to testing; Are you going to write all your test cases in advance and stick to this when testing, or whether you will take an exploration approach that is more exploration where your test is more free and unstructured?


The approach you choose ideally falls somewhere in the spectrum between the two.


Examination of software regression testing is not only profitable, but in reality it is important, to the defile software development team, because it allows them to do a regression test more efficiently. But it does have limitations - and it requires an understanding of this to be able to reap the benefits of automation.


Limitations (which can also be seen as benefits) is that your robot will check exactly what you requested. No more and no less.


As your software grows and changes, your testing requirements will definitely grow and change too, and the test that you previously set to test the product because at a certain time, it might no longer match what was seen at that time.


This is where critical thinking is important for the testing process. It's up to the test team to review and evaluate the test results.


The great thing about automation is that, when done correctly, it can free up time of examiners and let them work on design and increase tests.


You can read more about striking the perfect balance between automation and manual testing on our blog posts: Vs. manual testing Automation test: 10 considerations

Also Read: Software Testing Agency


However, in establishing your automatic regression test, it's still up to you to decide what enters the regression test suite, and what doesn't.

So how do you choose your test casing?


3. Select your test test for the Regression Suite

As a starting point, if you haven't built your test suite before, and you need help finding out where to start, can be useful to choose your test case based on the following prompt:


What is the core function for your product? Is it important for other functions to work? The core function must always be tested.

What are new features, and have been tested for many other feature updates before? New code tends to be more vulnerable.

Is the code sensitive to the environment that is configured? Dependence on environmental settings tends to be more vulnerable.

Has the code been defective before? It can pay to pay extra attention to the code that was previously wrong.

After you consider these elements, you can set the regression suite and schedule your regression test.

When your team develops and tests, you will constantly learn and adapt, so it's just reasonable that your test suite will also. However, it is important that the tools you use to set your tests in providing a good and easy to edit general picture.


You can read more about the selection of tools in our blog posts about how to choose your testing automation tool.


4. Determine the test frequency you run

After you build your regression testing suite, you need to decide how often you want a regression test to run.


The image at the top of the page might be a good practical rule here: Every time you let the bug out the door, you will want to make sure you haven't let a bunch of new bugs at the door.


That means regression testing must really be done every time the change is done on the code. If your software system is quite large, this is only possible with automation.

Also Read: Software Testing Services


However, you must decide on the frequency of running automation. Read our blog posts How often do you run a regression test? To learn how to achieve the frequency of appropriate regression testing, and to learn about automatic tests on Vs. requests.


Perform a faster regression test with automation (which does not require great time and resource investment)

In conclusion, if you want to do your regression test faster, you must automate most of your regression testing.


But how do you introduce testing automation without spending hours on settings and maintenance?

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