Monday 28 December 2020

How voice assistants create excellent customer service experience

This becomes increasingly common for people to call a friend, open the application, or look for a cafe using voice commands.

In addition to telephone-based voice assistants, Amazon has introduced an exclusive product called Alexa that can play music, do online shopping, start payment transactions and make your home smart only based on your voice command.

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Also, there is a Google Duplex which is a AI system that can have natural conversations by telephone and carry out your duties such as ordering tables and appointments. It's been out of real world testing this summer and everyone is confused by Google's duplex that likes to speak humans.

There is a lot of excitement around the sound assistant and many companies have a big plan to implement it in their business and customer service experience. In fact, Gartner1 predicts that 30% of our associations with innovation will be through "discussions" with artificial intelligence in the near future.

How to use voice assistants to improve customer service experience

# 1 opening of customized conversations

When it comes to conversations for assistance or guidance, the initial moment is very important to set the right tone for conversation. In the absence of such moments, listeners may lose interest and feel annoyed to continue the conversation.

With the sound assistant, this will not be a problem because it invites clients with a marked welcome to build trust in the sound.

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# 2 clear understanding of client's goals

The main objective of the sound assistant knowledge is to understand the prerequisites of your clients accurately. Competent voice assistant is one that understands the entire discussion settings and not only a few sentences. When customers conduct investigations, voice assistants must be able to measure the problems they face and their expectations. Customers expect a quick answer or sub-answer order for their query. This is where intuitive voice assistants help customers and make them feel valued.

For example, say you want to buy dog ​​food from Amazon through Alexa. Alexa looks for relevant products and places orders based on your choice. So the next time when you tell Alexa to order dog food, it smartly looks from your past orders and tells the price difference. In this way, this improved from past conversations and did not ask the same question several times.

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# 3 does not need to be detained

Before demos or negotiations, customers are often asked to provide individual data to check their personality. This procedure can be simplified with voice assistants because they respond significantly faster in determining numbers, names or spelling spelling addresses, or other confidential data without holding customers.

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In addition, because the sound assistant stores information collected, all divisions in the organization can access data without the need to contact anyone. An exchange of lines like that where someone must confirm the client's character from the start can be removed with the sound assistant. This helps create a better customer service experience.

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# 4 conversations like humans

A good support agent does not interfere when customers speak and they extend the discussion with the next meeting to have customers outlining their goals before offering the right solution. Likewise, voice assistants improve themselves to react like humans.

On Google I / O 2018, it made his voice assistant order an appointment with a salon. When the receptionist asked for a sound of the sound to wait a while, it responded with "mm-hmm" which was very close to the reply of a normal human reaction.

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