Sunday 16 May 2021


 Before sending any project, the tester not only must comply with the specification requirements but also take into account the impressive values ​​of the functional specifications that can be applied to the software.

So, to apply for a project for independent testing with peace of mind, it is better to carry out functional software checks based on the checklist. Let's talk more.

Also Read: Software Testing Company in Cambridge

# 1 - Test all forms

Registration process:

Users already exist in the system;

Register users on the site for the first time;

Users are blocked on the site, it does not have the opportunity to re-register.

Authorization process:

Users are on the system with passwords and logins entered;

Users with logins entered are not in the system;

Users enter, but the password said wrong;

The process validates input fields (numerical fields, letter fields, fields to enter numbers, letters, and special characters).

Test the validation of all fields needed.

Also Read: Software Testing Company in London

Test the correct feedback and operation form for the user's agreement.

# 2 - Job Search

The correct search results and diversion to the detail page function properly;

The correct message is shown to users about empty results;

Initially the search term was empty;

Search correctly "accept" both alphanumeric values ​​and special character inputs.

№3 - fields

Fields with numerical values: they may not contain letters, and if they, then the user must be displayed the appropriate message;

Fractional value;

Negative value;

Division with 0 is displayed correctly;

Check the field for the use and support of special characters;

Test the size of the field so that the text entered is not out of the frame.

Also Read: Software Testing Services

NOT. 4 - Filter Unit

Test the functionality of sorting parameters;

Work with filters for correct and wrong results;

Filtering by category, parts and blocks;

Filtering with the search radius;

Information is displayed through a drop-down list.

Also Read: Software Testing Agency

# 5 - Working with DevTools

Is there an error in the console;

Whether the current style is loaded;

Whether all images and graphics are displayed.

# 6 - test pop-up messages

Test all pop-up text blocks;

Verify the message to update and delete;

Text message about input errors.

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