Tuesday 4 May 2021

What is augmented reality?


The global virtual reality market is expected to be 15 times greater by the end of 2020 compared to 2016, reaching $ 3.7 billion. Now it is driven by the progress of hardware, but the industry landscape will soon change support software, thanks to the proliferation of technology.

 Also Read: Augmented Reality App Development Company        

On the other hand, augmented reality performed better, take the Lion part of AV / VR. It was worth USD 2.39 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach $ 61 billion in 2023. At first glance, this feature might seem too far, but AR adoption has recently been by main technology players such as Apple (AR Kit) and Google (Arcore) carries a closer future. In addition, there are mixed realities in the corner, promising greater profits.


Maybe, it's time to decide which market will roam.


Virtual reality


 Also Read: Virtual Reality App Development Company

If you ask me to define virtual reality simply then I will call it a computer that is generated by a simulation or replacement of a person's environment.


For example, you wear a headset, it blocks your world's view and replaces the digital world as designed to deceive your senses. From the perspective of your brain - you are elsewhere. So the final size of the efficiency of virtual reality is how well it fools your brain. It's like a mental teleportation.


The origin of VR as a technology system can be traced back to 1962 and the first VR display was made in 1968. Throughout the 60s VR hardware was in the University Research Laboratory as a non-consumer non-consumer product.


Meanwhile, more than 70-80 of various companies, such as Nintendo and NEC, have tried to bring VR to the consumer market. Good or bad efforts are the main failure. The reason for the previous industrial failure was due to the weakness of technology and the threshold for building a convincing headset too high.

 Also Read: Virtual Reality App Development

VR application.

At present, VR quickly becomes very relevant for 3D gamers and artists, architects, and real estate agents. This is because the cost of the headset and computing power needed to maintain the illusion is lower than before.


Because of its nature, virtual reality is suitable for tasks that require full immersion. If you need to make an artificial reality that is completely different from what you live in (like for game purposes) - go get VR!


Non-interactive VR


Storytelling - This is a favorable place for advertising. Using this advertiser option can provide a presence approaching life and an extraordinary user experience.

Making films - the easiest way to imagine the use of VR in the future is to think of the film industry. 360 videos have been used by Hollywood to make trailers and previews.

The real estate sales team can provide a future tenant or a suite holder with a view of how their property might be seen when construction is done. This can be very useful while selling premium spaces in advance construction.

VR Interactive

 Also Read: Virtual Reality

Games - Unlike AR, virtual reality does not limit artists with real-life landscapes and provides developers with unlimited possibilities.

3D statue - Luck input method makes VR uncomfortable for full 3D modeling, which is very dependent on the shortcut and keyboard commands. But artistic statues can do tricks.

Architecture - Test the total trace of the building in the landscape while developing a much better project in VR, which gives you a sense of scale.

Augmented reality.

 Also Read: Augmented Reality

Some people believe that VR is just a part of the puzzle, and maybe not even the most imperable. That's where augmented reality is in. While VR puts you in an artificial environment, AR and MR technology (mixed reality) brings ceases to your natural environment.


What is augmented reality?

If you need to define augmented reality you can't just say it produces an environment.

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