Tuesday 4 May 2021

How DevOps and Agile are Influencing Automation

 Traditionally, the software testing team will receive a build after the project settlement for the testing process begins.

But now, some time has passed and now nimble is one of the most important tools that can be used for product development and project management.

Also Read: software testing services company


In its original course, agile is basically a very useful tool in the operating room and the IT department because it helps break down various large projects to smaller bits.

Because of this methodology, there are many benefits that enter the light. Shorter production time, reducing the amount of risk for various projects, and high-quality products are some of the benefits that arise all because of agile.

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To be honest, Agile is the foundation in which devops create its own world.

Most people who are in the world of software think that Devops and Agile are not the same. They are not wrong but they are not true too.

When up to the definition, DEVOPS can be defined as a certain development process that wants to combine development, testing, and distribution of any product under the same roof.

A slim approach allows shipping services and products that are faster and easier.

To think that Devops and Agile do not have a relationship at all will be a mistake. While these two terms are not similar, they are basically a continuation of each other.

Continuous Development - Continuous Integration - Sustainable Delivery

We all know that agile methods and practices are all focused primarily on making teams working in a more efficient and smarter way.

So, this process slowly leads to the development of a particular framework that works for sustainable development.

After that, companies and organizations begin to automate and streamline some significant parts of various projects and production processes.

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Sustainable integration (CI) is a process in which individual developer work is saved to a general repository.

The purpose of CI is to identify bugs in the previous stage. Sustainable shipping (CD) is basically an extension CI.

The purpose of CD is to ensure new changes are updated in an efficient and sustainable manner.

This paved way for continuous testing. In fact, continuous testing is the most important factor for DevOps initiatives to produce expected results.

Continuous testing is often done as a series of automatic tests executed in the CI / CD pipe.

Devops and Agile On Automation Effects

Devops and Agile are basically a continuation of each other and therefore these two practices have triggered the use of test automation.

This is the fact that the ability to simplify and streamline the enessant complicated projects is of course useful.

Not to mention it helps companies increase efficiency and reduce human error opportunities.

In addition, practicality, efficiency, and integration that increases all because the efforts of DEVOPS technically allow the automation of testing to play a very important role in various business projects.

Look at how the influenced test automation service is due to the introduction of agile and devox.

Shorten production time

One of the most important elements that function in test automation is the ability to reduce production time.

Also, this allows certain functions to be carried out effectively without downtime.

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