Sunday 30 May 2021

Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a React Native App


Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a React Native App

The application has taken over our lives. According to statistics, so far, more than 204 billion applications have been downloaded in 2019. It is not surprising that the application industry develops, and many speculators that it will continue to reap high profits in the future too!

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Because more and more people adopt a smartphone and therefore applications, the industry has become a profitable opportunity for new business owners. Many want to make it big in this sector by developing the best applications from Lot.

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But, application development is easier to say than done!


The first decision you have to make as a developer is which programming tool will be used to create smooth and free-error applications. One option you might consider is using the original reaction.


Why is the original reaction?

Native reaction is a cellular application development framework developed by Facebook. This is an open source platform launched in 2015.


Compared to all other cross-platform application development frameworks, the original reaction has proven to be a favorite of many developers. This is because it allows developers to make excellent quality applications for iOS and Android simultaneously!


react the original advantage

Here are some general benefits related to the original reaction:

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Use JavaScript which almost every developer knows inside and outside

The Nati Realall framework has a very easy installation process

The Reload Live feature of the platform allows fast application development

This is cross platform, thus allow developers to create solutions that can be adjusted to Android, iOS, VR devices, smart TVs, etc.

Also read: REALL NATIVE: Cost-effective way for the development of cross-platform mobile applications


Errors that must be avoided when developing the original reaction application

Here are the six most common errors, application developers can make when developing applications using the original reaction.


1. Estimated wrong about the process

One thing that is forgotten by many developers is the layout of the Android and iOS version very different.


Yes, the original reaction allows you to use various components alternately for two platforms.

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However, specific elements cannot be used. For example, the application page structure of two different platforms on two platforms.


In addition, during the early days of programming your application through the original reaction, it's easy to underestimate the number of code you have to write.


This appears because generally when you make a hybrid application on a platform like Cordova, you are asked to write fewer code.


This wrong estimate, when creating an original reaction application, can cause a lot of hassle to the coder.

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2. Inappropriate Redux Shop Planning

Redux is a practical tool that helps in effective application management. It also allows you to save data collected by the application correctly. In general, Redux is used to manage larger and heavier applications.


The original reaction does utilize redux. However, you must plan it correctly to avoid problems. More use Redux can also increase the amount of workload. Although this may seem understandable for applications and large projects, it is not suitable for small projects.

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This is because Redux requires you to write long and complex code for the smallest change. So, if you create an original reaction application for small-scale applications, it is best not to use Redux. This will produce a lot of problems and discomfort for you.

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3. Do not read all the extracted codes from the external module

Application development is undoubtedly a process that is time consuming and complicated. Understandably, many want to reduce their hassle as much as possible. One way developers who generally achieve this by using an external module during the application development process.


Because the external module tends to come with documentation and has actually formed a code, it increases the speed of the application development process.


However, one developer error makes when using an external module does not read all the codes consisting of.

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